Mayor Kenny Alexander, City Of Norfolk | City Of Norfolk website
Mayor Kenny Alexander, City Of Norfolk | City Of Norfolk website
The City of Norfolk will close its government offices on Monday, February 17, in observance of Washington's Birthday. This includes libraries, The Slover, recreation centers, the Norfolk Animal Care Center, the Norfolk Courthouse, the Commissioner of the Revenue, the Treasurer’s Office, and the Norfolk Department of Public Health. These offices will resume regular business hours on Tuesday, February 18.
Trash and recycling collections as well as street sweeping operations are not scheduled for February 17. Residents needing bulk item pickup on February 18 must submit requests by 3 p.m. on Friday, February 14. Requests can be made via the MyNorfolk app or online platform or by calling Norfolk Cares at (757) 664-6510.
The SPSA Norfolk Transfer Station will remain open on February 17 from 8 a.m. to noon for household hazardous waste disposal.